
Friday, May 17, 2013

A Reason to Celebrate!

Yesterday, we had a reason to celebrate. You see, my husband finished his dual-degree program at MIT!  As a part of the Leaders for Global Operations (LGO) program, he will be receiving an MS in Aero/Astro and an MBA upon graduation in a couple weeks. I couldn't be more proud of him!
We began this journey together two years ago.  I remember him leaving for his first day of school (with a Big Chief tablet from his mom) and thinking that this was going to be the longest two years in history. But we took it a day at time, and finally, here we are! The thesis and all of the classes and assignments and team projects and late nights are behind him.  And he has not only survived it all, but he has excelled, just as I knew he would. I am so amazed by this man that I am married to.  

While this has not been the easiest two years, we have so many wonderful new friends and wonderful memories that were made along the way. We'll be so sad to bid everyone farewell as they scatter across the country following graduation, but for now, it's time to celebrate!  

So how do you celebrate such an occasion? First you start with presents! This should be a no-brainer. 
I got my favorite Sazerac drinker a set of original Sazerac glasses, a super cool Sazerac print, and a muddler so he can muddle together sugar cubes and bitters, as is the traditional method.
Next, you cook his favorite meal, Pioneer Woman's Beef and Snow Peas.  It's nothing fancy, but it's delicious. 
After dinner, since it's a beautiful, unusually warm spring day, you make the most of the last hour of daylight and walk down to the local ice cream shop, hand in hand. Because what's a celebration without ice cream?
Finally, you snuggle up on the couch with your ice cream and watch a movie, like you don't have a care or a responsibility in the world. Because at the moment, you don't. And that's an amazing feeling.


(And then you watch the season finale of The Office and cry like a baby the entire time. Despite its rough patches, The Office holds a special place in our hearts, as we began watching it together as friends in college.  We would hurry back to my apartment complex from $1 margarita night at El Arroyo and plop down in front of the TV.  As the story-lines progressed, so did our lives. We graduated college, we started dating, I moved to LA while he moved to Boston, we fell in love, I moved to Boston, we got married, and he now has two more degrees under his belt. Through all that change, there's always been a new episode of The Office on Thursday nights, so last night felt like the end of an era.  But what a truly perfect ending it was!)

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